3 resultat
Local injection of collagenase clostridium histolyticum (XiapexR) for refractory iatrogenic esophageal strictures: an open-label pilot study.
1. Objective of the study
To investigate whether intralaesional injection with collagenase clostridium histolyticum (XiapexR) into the esophageal stricture
For ovarian cancer, colorectal and gastric cancers presenting with peritoneal metastases, complete tumor removal at surgery is the most important independent prognostic factor. Consequently, accurate detection of tumors often compromising resectability, like extra-abdominal metastases, liver
We will perform a 2 year double blind, placebo controlled trial of doxycycline in 40 patients with LAM. The main endpoints will be change in FEV1, other measures of efficacy, safety and dose required to suppress MMP activity. After clinical evaluation, lung function, shuttle walk, QoL