Haitian Creole

CEP-701 for PH-negative Myelofibrosis

Watumiaji waliosajiliwa tu ndio wanaweza kutafsiri nakala
Ingia / Ingia
Kiungo kimehifadhiwa kwenye clipboard
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

Maneno muhimu


The goal of this clinical research study is to find out if CEP-701 can help control myelofibrosis (MF). The safety of CEP-701 will also be studied.


The Study Drug:

CEP-701 is designed to help prevent a certain type of molecule (called a mutated JAK2 receptor) that is found on myelofibrosis cells from sending continuous chemical signals that lead to the growth of cancer cells.

Study Treatment:

If you are found to be eligible to take part in this study, you will take CEP-701 by mouth (in liquid form) 2 times a day (once in the morning and once in the evening) every day in 30-day repeating cycles. You should take each dose about 12 hours apart.

The study doctor or nurse will teach you and/or a caregiver or family member how to prepare each dose of the study drug, as well as how much should be taken each time. At each study visit, you will be supplied with enough syringes, dosing cups, and study drug to last until your next study visit. For each dose, you will use the syringe to draw the proper amount of CEP-701. You will add the entire contents of the syringe to an approved juice in 1 of the provided dosing cups. You should also drink an additional dosing cup of juice after taking the drug dose. The following juices (100% juice only) are approved for use with CEP-701: grape, pineapple, apple, V8 vegetable juice, and orange juice.

The study drug mixture may be stored (in an areas that are protected from light, such as in a cabinet) for up to 1 hour at room temperature and up to 8 hours refrigerated (at about 35°F to 45 °F). If you miss a dose, you should not take another dose until your next scheduled dose.

Study Visits:

You will initially have study visits at M. D. Anderson once a month. You will need to return monthly for 6 months, then every 3 months if there are no side effects during the previous 3 cycles. After 2 years of therapy, your visits can be extended to every 6 months. After 6 cycles you may have either a study visit or a phone call from a member of study staff. If you have a phone call, you will be asked how you are feeling, if you have experienced any side effects since your last visit, and your blood tests will be reviewed with you. During most study visits, you will have the following tests:

- You will have a physical exam.

- You will be asked how you are feeling and about any side effects you may have experienced since your last visit.

- You will have blood (about 2 tablespoons) drawn to check your kidney and liver function and blood cell count. This will be done every 2 weeks up to 3 months, then every 1-2 months.

- You will have a bone marrow/aspirate once every 3-6 months to see if you are responding to treatment. After 2 years of therapy, this can be extended to every 12 months.

Length of Study:

You will continue on this study for at least 6 months to allow time for response. If you do respond to study treatment, you may continue to receive cycles for up to 5 years.

If you do not respond to study treatment within 6 months, if the disease gets worse, if intolerable side effects occur, if you have an illness that keeps you from taking the study drug, or your doctor thinks it is in your best interest to stop taking part in this study, you will be taken off this study.

This is an investigational study. CEP-701 is not Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved or commercially available. At this time, it is being used for research purposes only in this study. Up to 41 patients will take part in this study. All will be enrolled at M. D. Anderson.


Imethibitishwa Mwisho: 05/31/2012
Iliyowasilishwa Kwanza: 06/27/2007
Uandikishaji uliokadiriwa Uliwasilishwa: 06/27/2007
Iliyotumwa Kwanza: 06/28/2007
Sasisho la Mwisho Liliwasilishwa: 06/18/2012
Sasisho la Mwisho Lilichapishwa: 06/24/2012
Tarehe ya matokeo ya kwanza yaliyowasilishwa: 04/06/2011
Tarehe ya matokeo ya kwanza ya QC yaliyowasilishwa: 04/06/2011
Tarehe ya matokeo ya kwanza kuchapishwa: 05/03/2011
Tarehe halisi ya kuanza kwa masomo: 05/31/2007
Tarehe ya Kukamilisha Msingi iliyokadiriwa: 04/30/2010
Tarehe ya Kukamilisha Utafiti: 04/30/2010

Hali au ugonjwa


Uingiliaji / matibabu

Drug: CEP-701


Awamu 2

Vikundi vya Arm

MkonoUingiliaji / matibabu
Experimental: CEP-701
80 mg orally twice a day for 30 days
Drug: CEP-701
80 mg orally twice a day for 30 days

Vigezo vya Kustahiki

Zama zinazostahiki Kujifunza 18 Years Kwa 18 Years
Jinsia Inastahiki KujifunzaAll
Hupokea Wajitolea wa AfyaNdio

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients with Chronic Idiopathic Myelofibrosis (CIMF) requiring therapy, including those 1) previously treated by CIMF-directed therapy and relapsed, intolerant, or refractory to therapy; or 2) if newly diagnosed then with intermediate or high risk according to Lille scoring system (adverse prognostic factors are: Hb < 10 g/dl, WBC < 4 or > 30 x 10^9/L; risk group: 0 = low, 1 = intermediate, 2 = high), or with symptomatic spleen that is >/= 10cm below costal margin. However, patients with asymptomatic intermediate risk disease are not eligible.

- JAK2 mutation positive test

- Age of at least 18 years

- Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status 0-2

- Adequate liver and renal function: total bilirubin

- Patients must be at least 2 weeks from prior chemotherapy, biological therapy, radiation therapy, major surgery, or other investigational anticancer therapy that is considered MF-directed, and have recovered from prior toxicities to Grade 0-1. Concurrent therapy with supportive care medications (hydroxyurea, anagrelide) is allowed during the study.

- All men of reproductive potential and women of child-bearing potential (WOCBP) must agree to practice effective contraception (iud, birth control pill, latex condoms, diaphragm) during the entire study period and for one month after the study ends, unless documentation of infertility exists. Should a woman become pregnant or suspect she is pregnant while participating in this study, she should inform her treating physician immediately. WOCBP are women who are not menopausal for 12 months or no previous surgical sterilization."

- Ability to understand and willingness to sign the informed consent form

- Not willing to undergo, not a candidate for, or not having a donor for, a bone marrow transplant

Exclusion Criteria:

- Pregnant or nursing women, due to the unknown effects of therapy on the developing fetus or newborn infant.

- Patients diagnosed with another malignancy - unless following curative intent therapy the patient has been disease free for at least 3 years. Patients with early stage squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, basal cell carcinoma of the skin, or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) are eligible for this study

- Any condition, including serious medical condition, laboratory abnormality, or psychiatric illness, which places the subject at unacceptable risk as judged by the Principal Investigator, if he/she was to participate in the study

- Known positive for Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or infectious hepatitis, type A, B or C

- Presence of any gastrointestinal condition or concomitant medication use (e.g. coumadin) that would render a patient at high risk for gastrointestinal bleeding as judged by treating physician

- History of any upper or lower gastrointestinal bleeding in the 6 months prior to enrollment

- Elevated international normalized ratio (INR) or Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)


Hatua za Matokeo ya Msingi

1. Number of Participants With Objective Response [Response assessed after each 3 cycles (cycle = 30 days)]

Objective response = Complete Response, absence sign/symptoms of disease (without use of growth factors, hydroxyurea, anagrelide, or transfusions for > 1 month); Partial Response, absence of progressive disease (PD), and improvement in 2+ parameters (if abnormal): Absolute neutrophil count (ANC), hemoglobin, platelets, transfusions, splenomegaly, or bone marrow blasts; Clinical Improvement, absence of PD, and improvement in 1 parameter: ANC, hemoglobin, platelets, transfusions, splenomegaly, or bone marrow blasts). [International Working Group on Myelofibrosis Research and Treatment]

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