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inert gas narcosis/dopamini

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In man, nitrogen narcosis is characterized by euphoria, impaired cognitive function, neuromuscular incoordination and, ultimately, loss of consciousness. Because of the motor movement disorders, we chose to study the nigrostriatal system, whose major function is to regulate the extrapyramidal
In rats, a single exposure to 3 MPa nitrogen induces change in motor processes, a sedative action and a decrease in dopamine release in the striatum. These changes due to a narcotic effect of nitrogen have been attributed to a decrease in glutamatergic control and the facilitation of GABAergic
Hyperbaric nitrogen-oxygen exposure developed in rats a decrement of the striatal dopamine release, which was reversed by repetitive exposures. This dopamine decrease could be the result of the antagonistic effect of nitrogen on NMDA receptors. The increment of the dopamine release, following
Nitrogen pressure exposure in rats results in decreased dopamine (DA) release at the striatal terminals of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) dopaminergic neurons, demonstrating the narcotic potency of nitrogen. This effect is attributed to decreased excitatory and increased inhibitory inputs

Comparison of nitrogen narcosis and helium pressure effects on striatal amino acids: a microdialysis study in rats.

Watumiaji waliosajiliwa tu ndio wanaweza kutafsiri nakala
Ingia / Ingia
Exposure to nitrogen-oxygen mixture at high pressure induces narcosis, which can be considered as a first step toward general anaesthesia. Narcotic potencies of inert gases are attributed to their lipid solubility. Nitrogen narcosis induces cognitive and motor disturbances that occur from 0.3 MPa in
Previous studies have demonstrated disruptions of motor activities and a decrease of extracellular dopamine level in the striatum of rats exposed to high pressure of nitrogen. Men exposed to nitrogen pressure develop also motor and cognitive disturbances related to inert gas narcosis. After

Striatal dopamine release and biphasic pattern of locomotor and motor activity under gas narcosis.

Watumiaji waliosajiliwa tu ndio wanaweza kutafsiri nakala
Ingia / Ingia
Inert gas narcosis is a neurological syndrome appearing when humans or animals are exposed to hyperbaric inert gases (nitrogen, argon) composed by motor and cognitive impairments. Inert gas narcosis induces a decrease of the dopamine release at the striatum level, structure involved in the

The role of NMDA and GABAA receptors in the inhibiting effect of 3 MPa nitrogen on striatal dopamine level.

Watumiaji waliosajiliwa tu ndio wanaweza kutafsiri nakala
Ingia / Ingia
Nitrogen pressure exposure, in rats, resulted in a decreased dopamine (DA) level by the striatal terminals of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) dopaminergic neurons, due to the narcotic potency of nitrogen. In the SNc, the nigrostriatal pathway is under glutamatergic and GABAergic control

A review of recent neurochemical data on inert gas narcosis.

Watumiaji waliosajiliwa tu ndio wanaweza kutafsiri nakala
Ingia / Ingia
Nitrogen narcosis occurs in humans at around 0.4 MPa (4 ATA). Hydrogen narcosis occurs between 2.6 and 3.0 MPa. In rats, nitrogen disturbances occur from 1 MPa and a loss of righting reflex around 4 MPa. Neurochemical studies in striatum of rats with nitrogen at 3 MPa (75% of anesthesia threshold)

Neurochemistry of Pressure-Induced Nitrogen and Metabolically Inert Gas Narcosis in the Central Nervous System.

Watumiaji waliosajiliwa tu ndio wanaweza kutafsiri nakala
Ingia / Ingia
Gases that are not metabolized by the organism are thus chemically inactive under normal conditions. Such gases include the "noble gases" of the Periodic Table as well as hydrogen and nitrogen. At increasing pressure, nitrogen induces narcosis at 4 absolute atmospheres (ATAs) and more in humans and

Inert gas narcosis in scuba diving, different gases different reactions.

Watumiaji waliosajiliwa tu ndio wanaweza kutafsiri nakala
Ingia / Ingia
OBJECTIVE Underwater divers face several potential neurological hazards when breathing compressed gas mixtures including nitrogen narcosis which can impact diver's safety. Various human studies have clearly demonstrated brain impairment due to nitrogen narcosis in divers at 4 ATA using critical

[Diving: barometric pressure and neurochemical mechanisms].

Watumiaji waliosajiliwa tu ndio wanaweza kutafsiri nakala
Ingia / Ingia
The studies of Paul Bert, presented in his book "La Pression Barométrique" in 1878, were at the origin of the modern hyperbaric physiology. Indeed his research demonstrated the effects of oxygen at high pressure, that compression effects must be dissociated from decompression effects, and that

Rat brain catecholamine release at 1, 10, 20, and 100 ATA heliox, nitrox, and trimix.

Watumiaji waliosajiliwa tu ndio wanaweza kutafsiri nakala
Ingia / Ingia
The pattern of neurotransmitter release in the rat caudate and hypothalamus was studied following exposure to pressure in combination with various gas mixtures. The caudate was selected for its control of extrapyramidal motor output. The hypothalamus was studied because of its involvement in
Nitrogen at pressure produces a neurological syndrome called nitrogen narcosis. Neurochemical experiments indicated that a single exposure to 3 MPa of nitrogen reduced the concentration of dopamine by 20% in the striatum, a structure involved in the control of extrapyramidal motor activity. This
Significant evidence implicates the endogenous opioid system (EOS) (opioid peptides and receptors) in the mechanisms underlying the psychopharmacological effects of ethanol. Ethanol modulates opioidergic signaling and function at different levels, including biosynthesis, release, and degradation of
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