Fibromyalgia and the rheumatisms. Common sense and sensibility.
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Chronic musculoskeletal pain syndromes are common problems, but the etiology, pathogenesis, and pathology of many of them are very poorly understood. Because the currently used nomenclature suggests an understanding that we do not have, I propose that names like "myofascial pain," "tension myalgia," and "FM" be abandoned in favor of the more indefinite (but more honest) terms like "regional" and "generalized rheumatism." No matter what we rheumatologists call it, however, the condition of chronic generalized musculoskeletal pain probably is only one part of an even more generalized condition that includes IBS, chronic headaches, regional migratory numbness, TMJ syndrome, and a whole host of other somatic pain syndromes. The same patients end up seeing many specialists who themselves feel frustrated with the labels at their disposal, and these specialists end up resembling the blind men confronting the elephant. In this regard, the new ACR criteria for the diagnosis of fibrositis, by emphasizing tenderness and ignoring the presence of these other syndromes, are too circumscribed and represent a step backward in our attempts to understand. Although the chronic rheumatisms are problems difficult to manage and frustrating for both the patient and the physician, when patience can be applied and confidence achieved, a positive relationship can result and the patient can be helped.