[Therapy of tinnitus. Tympanic cavity infusion of lidocaine and steroid solution].
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Tinnitus is an otological symptom which is often encountered and is yet difficult to treat. If tinnitus is of cochlear origin then it seems reasonable to assume that a total depression of the cochlear function will abolish cochlear tinnitus. To achieve this depression, transtympanic injections of a local anesthetic (4% Lidocaine) to anesthetize the inner ear and of Decadoron were conducted in a patient suffering from tinnitus. One hundred and sixty-eight patients (220 ears) who had suffered from relatively long-term tinnitus were included in this study. In almost all of the cases the clinical symptoms and the otological findings (i.e., the audiogram and caloric test) indicated that the probable lesion underlying the tinnitus was located within the end organ. In some cases this injection brought a transient (for few days), slight, neurosensorial deafness in the low-frequency range. This auditory disorder, however, was completely restored without sequelae. Our results are summarized as follows: in 76 ears, tinnitus was abolished completely, in 109 ears, tinnitus was considerably ameliorated, in 35 ears, tinnitus was slightly ameliorated or no effect. One hundred and nine patients (138 ears) who had suffered from tinnitus were included in this study. Decadoron was applied to the middle ear cavity by transtympanic injection. Our results are summarized as follows: in 87 ears, tinnitus was abolished, in 39 ears, tinnitus was considerably ameliorated, in 14 ears, tinnitus was slightly ameliorated or no effect.