Haitian Creole

hematocolpos/біль у животі

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Management of hematocolpos in adolescents with transverse vaginal septum.

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OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to underline the significance of premenarcheal gynecological examination in patients with transverse vaginal septum that could possibly be complicated with endometriosis. METHODS Retrospective study including the period between January 2008 and December

A Rare Pelvic "Mass-Querader": Acute Urinary Retention Secondary to Hematocolpos in a Preadolescent Patient

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We report a case of acute urinary retention in an adolescent female secondary to hematocolpos. A 13-year-old female presented to the emergency department with acute urinary retention and suprapubic abdominal pain for 24 hours. She denied menstruation or sexual history. Bedside bladder ultrasound

Hematocolpos causing severe urinary retention in an adolescent girl with imperforate hymen: an uncommon presentation.

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BACKGROUND Hematocolpos is rarely presented as a pelvic mass which mechanically compresses the bladder and the urethra thereby causing urinary retention. METHODS A 12-year-old girl referred with the history of lower abdominal pain and retention of urine for 24 h. The patient had not started her

A rare case of primary amenorrhea with two etiologies, hypothalamic amenorrhea, transverse vaginal septum, and no hematocolpos.

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We reported a rare case of hypothalamic amenorrhea and transverse vaginal septum. A 28-year-old woman presented with primary amenorrhea and no complaint of abdominal pain. Laparoscopy revealed a small rudimentary uterus with streak ovaries and a vaginal pouch. The patient with diagnosis of

[Unilateral hematocolpos, blind vagina and agenesis of the homolateral urinary tract].

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Hematocolpos with homolateral renal agenesis is a rare condition. Dysmenorrhea and paroxysmal abdominal pain are common symptoms in adolescent girls. Following a review of the literature, this article considers those procedures and investigations which can be used to help these patients before

Uterus didelphys with unilateral hematocolpos, ipsilateral renal agenesis and menses. A case report and literature review.

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A 13-year-old girl with signs and symptoms of an acute abdomen was found to have uterus didelphys, unilateral hematocolpos, ipsilateral renal agenesis and menses. A review of the literature in English revealed 115 reported cases. This complex congenital anomaly is seen most commonly in adolescents

[A case of imperforate hymen with hematocolpos in an adolescent].

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A case of imperforate hymen with hematocolpos in adolescent with recurrent abdominal pain is described. The Authors emphasize the utility of echographic investigation and the psychological importance of this problem in adolescent age.

Unilateral hematocolpos and ipsilateral renal agenesis: report of two cases and review of the literature.

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Two cases are presented of a partially duplicated vagina characterized by a one-sided hematocolpos associated with renal agenesis on the same side. A review of the English literature reveals 39 previously reported cases. Invariably this complex of anomalies is seen in adolescents and young women

Imperforate hymen with hematocolpos.

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Presented are two cases of imperforate hymen with hematocolpos seen in a pediatric emergency department (ED) during a seven-month period. The first case presented with abdominal pain, urinary obstruction, and constipation on initial visit. The diagnosis was not made on the initial presentation. The

Urological complications associated to uterus didelphys with unilateral hematocolpos. A case report and review of the literature.

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Complete duplication of vagina, cervix and uterus, with imperforate hemivagina and renal agenesis is a rare condition with less than 120 cases published. In those articles, urological complications are uncommon with only a 10% of the total. We report 2 cases of uterus didelphys with unilateral

[Girls' abdominal pains and gynaecological emergencies].

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Among many causes of abdominal pain in children, gynaecological ones have to be systematically considered in even no pubescent girls. Diagnosis leans on physical and US examinations and has to screen first urgent causes before frequent ones. Rare but urgent are ovarian torsions either on a normal

Acute Urine Retention Caused by Hematocolpos After Failed Hymenotomy in 23 Year Old Female.

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Mechanical obstruction by hematocolpos can result in acute urinary retention.(1) Imperforate hymen is a rare condition that presents mainly with primary amenorrhea, cyclic abdominal pain and rarely, urine retention in pubertal girls.(2) This is a 23-year old female who presented with acute urine

Resectoscopic treatment of uterus didelphys with unilateral imperforate vagina complicated by hematocolpos and hematometra: case report.

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OBJECTIVE To describe a technique for treating hematocolpos and hematometra in patients with uterus didelphys and unilateral imperforate vagina involving the use of resectoscopy under ultrasonographic control. METHODS Case report. METHODS University hospital. METHODS A 13-year-old girl with uterus

[Urinary Retention Due to Hematocolpos]

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Hematocolpos is an obstruction of the menstrual flow due to an anomaly of the genital tract, with imperforate hymen being the most common one. It is an uncommon condition, with a prevalence of 1:1000 - 1:16 000. It is usually an asymptomatic condition until the onset of menarche, when there is

Robinow syndrome, vaginal atresia, hematocolpos, and extra middle finger.

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A 14-year-old girl with Robinow syndrome was admitted with severe abdominal pain that had recurred periodically during the last 6 months. She had been followed by us since age 2 months and she had not experienced menarche yet; hematocolpos related to vaginal atresia was diagnosed. She underwent
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