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We report here the discovery and characterization of a fibrous mineral contaminant of the diet in that area of north-east Iran where oesophageal cancer has a very high incidence. This contaminant has a smoothly tapering shape and is between 50 and 150 micrometers long. The greatest diameter is
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Увійти Зареєструватися
Silica fibres from the inflorescence bracts of the grass Phalaris canariensis L. cause dermatitis, and have been implicated in the aetiology of oesophageal cancer in northeastern Iran. Here we describe a method for labelling these fibres so that they can be located in mammalian tissue. Fluorescein
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Увійти Зареєструватися
Silica fibres derived from plants are common contaminants of human diet in certain regions of the world where oesophageal cancer reaches extremely high incidences. We show here that one of these types of fibre (derived from Phalaris canariensis L) promotes the occurrence of tumours in the skin of
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