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In the mature rat we determined the extent of peripheral nerve collagenosis in response to Wallerian degeneration and examined whether or not nonfibroblastic elements such as Schwann cells were important. Collagen was estimated as the hydroxy-proline content of normal and axotomized nerve fascicles
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Увійти Зареєструватися
Following lesions of the neocortex a uniform dust-like silver deposit may appear in certain thalamic nuclei stained with the Nauta or Fink-Heimer methods. Because this deposit lacks the characteristic morphology of axons undergoing Wallerian degeneration and often appears in regions of retrograde
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Увійти Зареєструватися
Radioactivity above background level can be detected in the contralateral visual pathway of normal rats as long as 250 days after intraocular injection of tritiated proline. Silver grains disappear first from the retina, and last from the superior colliculus. In the optic tectum and the isthmic
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