Haitian Creole

"Stair Step Study"

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Radboud University

Từ khóa

trừu tượng

There is some information suggesting that a progesterone-induced withdrawal bleeding before the start of ovulation induction in women suffering from oligo- or amenorrhea reduces pregnancy and live birth rate.
To evaluate the effects of withholding progesterone-induced endometrial withdrawal bleeding before ovulation induction on the time to pregnancy and the ongoing pregnancy rate.
Study design:
Prospective multicenter randomized controlled feasibility study
Study population:
Women with oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea according to WHO classification category 2
Patients will be randomized to receive one of the following two treatments:
Stair step group: blind start ovulation induction (no progesterone induced withdrawal bleeding and stair step protocol in case of treatment failure.
Control: standard care; a progesterone induced withdrawal bleeding in case of no spontaneous menses before starting an ovulation induction cycle and in between anovulatory cycles.
Main study parameters/endpoints:
The primary endpoints are the time to pregnancy and ongoing pregnancy rate within a treatment horizon of 3 cycles. Secondary endpoints include time to ovulation, endometrial thickness, multiple pregnancy and the incidence of treatment failure.
Nature and extent of the burden and risks associated with participation, benefit and group relatedness:
The number of site visits or physical examinations will not differ from accepted clinical practice.

Sự miêu tả


Primary objective:

To demonstrate whether withholding progesterone induced endometrial shedding prior to ovulation induction improves the ongoing pregnancy rate per cycle compared to not withholding progesterone treatment and to demonstrate its impact on the time to pregnancy.

Secondary objectives:

To elucidate the impact of the two study protocols on time to ovulation, endometrial thickness, multiple follicle growth, multiple pregnancy and the incidence of treatment failure. Furthermore, in accordance to the proposed areas of focus addressed by feasibility studies [Bowen et al (2009)], the number of eligible patients, the number of protocol violations and the number of drop-outs will be recorded.


Prospective multicenter randomized controlled study. The participating centers are:

- Radboud UMC, Nijmegen

- Canisius Wilhelmina Ziekenhuis (CWZ), Nijmegen

- Gelderse Vallei, Ede

Patients will be randomly allocated to receive one of the following treatment protocols:

- Standard group: medroxyprogesterone acetate (Provera®) 10 mg for 10 days prior to starting ovulation induction with CC and in between anovulatory cycles.

- Stair Step group: no Provera® prior to ovulation induction with CC, nor in between anovulatory cycles.

Standard group The standard group will receive our standard care. Provera® will be administered for 10 days (after a negative pregnancy test) to induce an endometrial whitdrawal bleeding. Menses may be expected as early as 3 days after the last pill. Prior to each treatment cycle, an ultrasound will be performed on cycle day 3 to check up on the presence of cysts after which CC 50 mg is administered for 5 days. Follicle growth will be monitored by ultrasound, starting from cycle day (CD) 11. If there is no response (defined as no follicle ≥ 14 mm) on CD 20, Provera® will be administered for 10 days. The CC dosage will be increased in the next cycle. Three days after the start of the next menses, patients will receive CC 100 mg for 5 days with follicle growth monitoring starting again from CD 11. Anovulatory patients (no follicle ≥ 14 mm) on CD 20 will receive Provera® for 10 days. Three days after the start of menses the CC dose will be increased to 150 mg and will be administered for 5 days with ultrasounds starting from CD 11-20.

Stair Step group The stair-step group will receive the following treatment: after performing an ultrasound to check for the presence of cysts or any other abnormalities and a negative pregnancy test, patients will be given CC 50 mg for 5 days. Ultrasounds will be performed on days 11-14. When there is no response on CD 14 (no follicle ≥ 14 mm), the dose of CC is immediately increased to 100 mg CC for 5 days and an ultrasound is performed 1 week following the last ultrasound. If there is no response, 150 mg CC is initiated immediately for 5 days and the ultrasound is repeated 1 week after the previous ultrasound.

In both arms, ovulation is confirmed by evidence of a preovulatory follicle followed by menses with onset at the expected time (cycle length of 25-35 days) or by pregnancy.The CC dose can be adjusted in case of a high response. Treatment failure is defined as failure to ovulate following CC 150 mg. Patients who conceive will receive an ultrasound examination at 8 weeks of gestation to confirm an ongoing pregnancy. Following this last scan the study period for the given patient will be completed. All patients will undergo a maximum of 3 treatment cycles as part of this protocol.


Xác minh lần cuối: 07/31/2017
Đệ trình đầu tiên: 08/08/2017
Đăng ký ước tính đã được gửi: 10/11/2017
Đăng lần đầu: 10/12/2017
Cập nhật lần cuối được gửi: 06/03/2018
Cập nhật lần cuối đã đăng: 06/05/2018
Ngày bắt đầu nghiên cứu thực tế: 06/20/2016
Ngày hoàn thành chính ước tính: 11/29/2017
Ngày hoàn thành nghiên cứu ước tính: 05/30/2018

Tình trạng hoặc bệnh tật

Ovulation Disorder

Can thiệp / điều trị

Drug: Standard group

Other: Stair Step group

Giai đoạn

Giai đoạn 4

Nhóm cánh tay

Cánh tayCan thiệp / điều trị
Active Comparator: Standard group
Intervention:Medroxyprogesterone acetate (Provera) 10 mg daily for 10 days will be used prior to starting ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate (CC) and between anovulatory cycles. On cycle day (CD) 3 CC 50 mg is administered daily for 5 days. Follicle growth will be monitored by ultrasound, starting from CD11. Anovulatory patients (defined as no follicle ≥ 14 mm) on CD20, will receive Provera 10mg daily for 10 days. The CC dosage will be increased in the next cycle. On CD3 patients will receive CC 100 mg daily for 5 days with ultrasounds performed from CD11 onwards. Anovulatory patients will receive Provera 10mg daily for 10 days. In the next cycle the CC dose will be increased to 150 mg, starting from CD3, daily for 5 days with ultrasounds starting from CD11-20.
Drug: Standard group
Patients in the standard arm will receive Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 10mg daily for 10 days prior to the first ovulation induction cycle and in between anovulatory cycles.
Experimental: Stair Step group
Intervention: Stair step protocol without medroxyprogesterone acetate 10 mg prior to ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate (CC), nor in between anovulatory cycles. After performing an ultrasound to check for the presence of cysts or any other abnormalities and a negative pregnancy test, patients will receive CC 50 mg daily for 5 days. Ultrasounds will be performed on CD11-14. If there is no response on CD14 (no follicle ≥ 14 mm), the dose of CC is immediately increased to 100 mg CC daily for 5 days and an ultrasound is performed 1 week following the last ultrasound. If there is no response, 150 mg CC daily is initiated immediately for 5 days and the ultrasound is repeated 1 week after the previous ultrasound.
Other: Stair Step group
No administration of Medroxyprogesterone Acetate prior to each cycle. Stair step method: rapidly increasing the dose of clomiphene citrate in case of no follicular response

Đủ tiêu chuẩn

Tuổi đủ điều kiện để học 18 Years Đến 18 Years
Giới tính đủ điều kiện để nghiên cứuFemale
Chấp nhận tình nguyện viên lành mạnhĐúng
Tiêu chí

Inclusion Criteria:

- WHO classification category 2 PCOS or non-PCOS

- Age between 18 - 41 years

- Patent Fallopian tubes, proven by hysterosalpingography (HSG), a negative Chlamydia antibody titre (CAT) or diagnostic laparoscopy combined with tubal testing (DLS and TT), depending on the local protocol.

- BMI < 40 kg/m2

Exclusion Criteria:

- BMI > 40 kg/m2

- Previous unsuccessful ovulation induction cycles with CC

- Double-sided tubal pathology

- Presence of ovarian cysts on ultrasound

- Moderate - severe male infertility (TMSC < 3 million)

- Grade III/IV endometriosis

- Thrombosis

- Severe liver disease

Kết quả

Các biện pháp kết quả chính

1. Ongoing pregnancy rate per cycle [in case of pregnancy: 8 weeks after the start of each cycle, (maximum of 3 cycles, duration of 1 cycle: 28-35 days)]

Ongoing pregnancy is defined as the presence of at least one intra uterine fetus with heartbeat at 8 weeks of gestation

2. Time to pregnancy [duration of 1 cycle: 28-35 days, a maximum of 3 cycles will be performed (pregnancy test will be performed at the end of the cycle if there is no menstruation)]

the time between obtaining informed consent and the presence of a positive pregnancy test after treatment

Các biện pháp kết quả thứ cấp

1. Time to ovulation [3 cycles of 28-35 days, calculated as 14 days before the start of menstruation or 14 days before a positive pregnancy test]

calculated as 14 days prior to the first day of menstruation or positive pregnancy test

2. Endometrial thickness on the last day of ultrasonography [maximum of 3 cycles (each 28-35 days)]

measurement of the endometrial thickness on the last day of ultrasound monitoring. This day can differ among cycles, depending on the speed of follicle growth, hence it cannot be further specified.

3. The incidence of multiple follicle growth on the last day of ultrasonography [maximum of 3 cycles (each 28-35 days)]

This day can differ among cycles, depending on the speed of follicle growth, hence it cannot be further specified.

4. The incidence of multiple pregnancy [in case of pregnancy: 8 weeks after the start of a treatment cycle (maximum of 3 cycles; each 28-35 days)]

ultrasound performed at 8 weeks of gestation, which is 8 weeks after the start of a treatment cycle

5. The incidence of treatment failure [maximum of 3 cycles (each 28-35 days)]

treatment failure is defined as no follicle ≥ 14 mm on CD 20 despite using a maximum clomiphene citrate dose of 150 mg in the standard arm. Or no follicle ≥ 14 mm after increasing the clomiphene citrate dose up to 150 mg.

6. The number of eligible patients [Inclusion 16 months, follow-up 3 months.]

The total number of patients that fits the inclusion criteria.

7. The number of protocol violations [duration: maximum of 3 cycles (each 28-35 days)]

The total number of protocol violations.

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