Haitian Creole

prehypertension/cơn động kinh

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Elevated blood pressures in infants and children.

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Blood pressure should be routinely measured in all infants and children. Measurements should be performed with an appropriate size cuff and observed pressures compared to normal values for age. Elevated blood pressure is seen in one to ten percent of children, depending on the age group surveyed and

Seizures in haemodialysis patients treated with recombinant human erythropoietin.

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Administration of recombinant erythropoietin (r-HuEPO) is an effective treatment for the anaemia of chronic renal failure, but in some patients it has been accompanied by elevated blood pressure. This study focuses on seven patients with end-stage renal failure, managed on haemodialysis, who

Systemic lupus erythematosus presenting with leukocytoclastic vasculitis and seizure during pregnancy.

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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a rare multisystem disease with a wide array of presentation and is a diagnostic challenge during pregnancy. A 20-year-old gravida 1 at 39 weeks' gestation was referred to our hospital for elevated blood pressure, headache, and history of seizure. She was

Risk for delirium tremens in patients with alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

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To determine the characteristics associated with an increased risk for delirium tremens (DT) we performed a case-control study at the detoxification units of two hospitals. Cases met DSM-IV criteria for DT. For each case (n = 15), 3 controls (n = 45) were chosen. Eligibility criteria were applied

Catalepsy in rats: Its inheritance and relationship to pendulum movements and audiogenic epilepsy.

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Outbred Wistar rats were selectively bred for predisposition to catalepsy for 16 generations. The rats predisposed to catalepsy are characterized by an increased (in an unselected control population) or decreased (in S13) motor activity, decreased defecation scores, and elevated blood pressure.

Lead exposure from battery recycling in Indonesia.

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In Indonesia, more than 200 illegal used lead acid battery (ULAB) smelters are currently operating. Only a few health studies support the finding of lead-related symptoms and diseases among populations living near the smelters. To assess the blood lead levels (BLLs) and potential health impacts

Tuberous sclerosis and polycystic kidney disease in a 3-month-old infant.

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Tuberous sclerosis (TSC) is an autosomal dominantly inherited multisystemic disease characterized by the development of hamartomas predominantly in brain and kidneys. The TSC2 gene for tuberous sclerosis is localized on chromosome 16p13.3 immediately adjacent to PKD1, the gene for autosomal dominant

Postpartum eclampsia.

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Reported is the case of an 18-year-old woman, nine days postpartum, who presented to the emergency department with slightly elevated blood pressure, headache, and blurred vision. She had minimal swelling of her face and hands. The patient then began having focal seizure activity. A diagnosis of

Dysautonomia and hyponatraemia as harbingers of Guillain-Barre syndrome.

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A 56-year-old woman with a medical history of hypertension presented to our hospital with back pain, abdominal pain, vomiting and elevated blood pressure. The laboratory parameters including evaluation for secondary hypertension were within normal ranges at the time of presentation. During her

Management of eclampsia.

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Mrs AB was admitted in the 34th week of pregnancy with eclampsia. Prompt parenteral (intravenous and intramuscular) administration of magnesium sulfate arrested the convulsions and prevented additional seizures. Because of a dangerously elevated blood pressure, intravenous hydralazine was

Fibromuscular dysplasia in a child: a generalized arterial disease.

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After slight prodromal symptoms a fourteen-year-old girl had epileptic convulsions followed by a right-sided hemiplegia. Carotid angiogram showed almost total occlusion of the left arteria cerebri media. Six weeks later she developed elevated blood pressure followed by convulsions and lowered

Severe Ecstasy poisoning in an 8-month-old infant.

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We report on an 8-month-old male infant who accidentally ingested an Ecstasy tablet (3,4-methylenedioxymetamphetamine, MDMA). Here we discuss, according to the available literature, the treatment, complications, and pharmacokinetics of MDMA intoxication in a young infant. Serum MDMA level 2 hours

Intracerebral hemorrhage from cerebral venous thrombosis.

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Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is an uncommon cause of stroke with the incidence of 0.5 % from all strokes. The clinical presentation with cerebral hemorrhage constitutes a diagnostic challenge. Approximately one- third of CVT patients developed intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Associated factors

General pharmacology of the new antimuscarinic compound vamicamide.

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The general pharmacology of the new antimuscarinic compound vamicamide (FK176, (+/-)-(2R*, 4R*)-4-dimethylamino-2-phenyl-2- (2-pyridyl)valeramide, CAS 132373-81-0) was investigated using mice, rats, guinea pigs and dogs, and was in part compared with that of oxybutynin hydrochloride (oxybutynin, CAS

Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome Secondary to Hypertensive Encephalopathy Brought on by a MAO Inhibitor: A Case Report.

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An elderly woman was admitted to the Family Medicine inpatient service for altered mental status after being brought to the emergency room by a concerned neighbor, who had come across the patient speaking incoherently. Initial evaluation was notable for elevated blood pressures, but extensive lab
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