Haitian Creole

Enhanced Spatial Targeting in ECT Utilizing FEAST

University of Minnesota



The 'principle' is that FEAST can create a focal seizure in a targeted region that has clinical efficacy. Standardized procedures are used to reduce impedance at ECT and EEG electrode sites. The d'Elia unilateral placement is used for conventional RUL ECT. FEAST will involve the 1.25" circular anterior electrode being centered at the measured Fp2 position by the 10/20 EEG system, with the posterior cathode electrode (1"x2.5") tangential to the mid-sagittal plain and centered at vertex. ECT is delivered with a MECTA Spectrum 5000Q. The only modification in the device used in this study relative to the commercial device is the capacity for unidirectional stimulation. A special Investigational Device Exemption for this research will have to be obtained from the US FDA before initiating the research at The University of Minnesota. The PI has substantial experience with IDE's from previous work with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), deep brain stimulation (DBS), epidural cortical stimulation (EpCS) and of course FEAST.
The primary outcome of this study will be and in-depth probe into the onset and seizure drive markers on EEG during FEAST and contrasting it to FEAST with RP or RC. The secondary objectives for this study are to determine remission rates as measured by HDRS and IDS-SR and time for re-orientation recovery after treatment.


Study Design: This study will focus on refining FEAST methods by implementing a fixed-current titration and dosing method (800mA; 0.3 ms), testing the optimal directionality of current flow, and confirming specificity of induction of seizures in right orbitofrontal cortex. Twenty patients in an episode of major depression will be enrolled in the initial open-label study. Patients are kept on current medications for at least 2 weeks prior to initiation of therapy and throughout the treatment course. Patients are allowed PRN lorazepam limited to 3 mg/d but not within 10 hours of a FEAST session. Patients will undergo routine clinical care pre-ECT evaluations which include chemistry laboratory tests, a chest x-ray and an EKG. Patient will also undergo a brain MRI needed for 3D finite element modeling (FEM) to compute individual electric fields for each participant enrolled.

Once treatment is initiated, patients receive a dose 6 times initial ST at all treatments except the first, where ST is determined. If insufficient improvement (<40% change from baseline HRSD-24 item, or IDS-SR) after six treatments, the dose will increase by 50% in charge (9 times initial ST). Patients will undergo 6 channel EEG during all treatments. Sessions 2, 3 and 4 will be cross-randomized across FEAST (with typical electrodes placement and current flow directionality configurations), RP FEAST and RC FEAST to allow a direct comparison of induced seizure focality. To ensure that each possible treatment sequence (ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA, where A=regular FEAST, B=RP FEAST, C=RC FEAST) during visits 2-4 is represented with approximately equal frequency, participants will be allocated to treatment sequence using a block randomization scheme with a block size of 6 participants. Within each block, each treatment sequence appears exactly once, in random order (e.g. 123456, 352641, etc.). In this way, the number of participants allocated to a particular sequence never differs by more than one from any other sequence.

The primary measure right frontal to motor connectivity (seizure drive) and time for orientation recovery obtained following these sessions will permit direct comparison between normal configuration, RP FEAST and RC FEAST as well. Preliminary data generated by the investigators suggest that RP polarity FEAST will elicit the most focal seizure with the shortest time for reorientation and fewest amnestic side effects.

Study Procedures: All clinical procedures performed through Fairview will be documented in EPIC and duplicated in the research team's RedCap database for later analysis. Treatments are given in the morning, 3 times per week. Pharmacological agents are standardized: atropine (0.4 mg IV), methohexital (0.75 mg/kg) and succinylcholine (0.75-1.0 mg/kg). [If methohexital is unavailable, thiopental will be substituted (2.0 mg/kg]. Patients are oxygenated by mask (100% O2) prior to anesthesia and until resumption of spontaneous respiration. Standardized procedures are used to reduce impedance at ECT and EEG electrode sites. The d'Elia unilateral placement[69] is used for conventional RUL ECT. FEAST will involve the 1.25" circular anterior electrode being centered at the measured FP2 position by the 10/20 EEG system, with the posterior cathode electrode (1"x2.5") tangential to the mid-sagittal plain and centered at vertex. FEAST is delivered with a modified MECTA Spectrum 5000Qrelative to the commercial device with the capacity for unidirectional stimulation.

A baseline appointment, scheduled at the Treatment Resistant Depression Clinic in Saint Louis Park, will be initially scheduled with potential participants to complete the informed consent process as well as baseline assessments for: MINI-7, HRSD-24, Clinical Global Impression (CGI), Inventory of Depressive Symptoms - Self Report (IDS-SR), SSI, SSI-W, Short Form (SF-36), and the Quality of Life questionnaire. Participants will also undergo a baseline MRI that will consist of individual T1- and T2-weighted MRI scans which will be acquired with isotropic voxel resolution of 0.8 mm through resources located in the CMRR building. These structural data will be processed in the SimNIBS software to create a 3D volume conductor model of the subject's head. These MRI images will be constructed into 3D FEM models to compute non-invasive brain stimulation and electric fields for each participant enrolled.


最后验证: 04/30/2020
首次提交: 09/09/2019
提交的预估入学人数: 09/18/2019
首次发布: 09/22/2019
上次提交的更新: 05/10/2020
最近更新发布: 05/11/2020
实际学习开始日期: 07/31/2020
预计主要完成日期: 12/30/2021
预计完成日期: 12/30/2021


Treatment Resistant Depression


Device: FEAST

Device: FEAST RP

Device: FEAST RC



Experimental: A: FEAST
Focally Electrically-administered Seizure Therapy (FEAST) is a form of Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) that combines unidirectional stimulation, control of polarity, and an asymmetrical electrode configuration.
Experimental: B: RP FEAST
Focally Electrically-administered Seizure Therapy (FEAST) with Reversed Polarity (RP) utilizes the same electrode placement as FEAST but a reversed directionality of current flow.
Experimental: C: RC FEAST
Focally Electrically-administered Seizure Therapy (FEAST) with Reversed Configuration (RC) utilizes the same current flow as FEAST but a reversed electrode configuration.


有资格学习的年龄 18 Years 至 18 Years

Inclusion Criteria:

- Diagnosis of major depressive disorder using mini-7 to derive RDC; DSM-IV

- Pretreatment HRSC score greater than or equal to 18

- ECT indicated by physician evaluation

- Willing and capable of providing informed consent as determined by physician evaluation

Exclusion Criteria:

- History of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, other functional psychosis, or rapid cycling bipolar disorder as determined by mini-7; rapid cycling defined as greater than or equal to four episodes in past year

- History of neurological illness or insult other than conditions associated with psychotropic exposure (e.g., tardive dyskinesia) determined by physician evaluation and medical history

- Alcohol or substance abuse or dependence in the past year (RDC) determined by physician evaluation

- Secondary diagnosis of a delirium, dementia, or amnestic disorder (DSM-IV), pregnancy, or epilepsy determined by physician evaluation

- Requires especially rapid antidepressant response due to suicidality, psychosis, inanition, psychosocial obligations, etc. determined by physician evaluation

- ECT in the past six months determined by physician evaluation and medical history

- Pregnancy as determined by urine pregnancy test and clinical interview



1. Seizure Drive Markers on EEG [8 weeks]

Electrophysiological markers of the induced seizure will be captured with a 6-lead EEG placed over bilateral frontal, temporal and parietal lobes. Raw data will be collected in MicroVolts while the analysis will summarize connectivity measures. Right prefrontal activity and seizure drive will be contrasted to other regions from which EEG is recorded, to describe the focality of FEAST-induced seizures.

2. Seizure characteristics on EEG [8 weeks]

Length of induced seizures is measured by EEG and recorded in seconds. Spectra powers, global and regional intensity will also be analyzed.

3. Seizure characteristics by motor observation [8 weeks]

Length of induced seizures is measured by motor observation and recorded in seconds. Spectra powers, global and regional intensity will also be analyzed.

4. Time for Reorientation in Seconds [8 weeks]

Time between subject open eyes immediately after procedure and correctly identifying 4 out of 5 questions on orientation to name, time and space will be noted in seconds.

5. Amnestic Side Effects [8 weeks]

Amnestic side effects will be determined via psychiatric outcome assessment. Non-significant worsening in measures is expected between post and pre assessment. The assessments to be used is HDRS, which is a 24-item interview-based tool measuring depression symptoms in the previous week. Scoring is based on only the first 17 items. Eight items are scored on a 5-point scale, ranging from 0 = not present to 4 = severe. Nine are scored from 0-2. Total scores are the sum of the 17 item scores and range from 0 (Normal functioning) to 22 (severe depression).


1. Change in Hamilton Depression Rating Score (HDRS) [3 weeks]

Change in HDRS from baseline to completion of each ECT treatment compared among 3 treatments - FEAST, FEAST RP, and FEAST RC. HDRS is a 24-item interview-based tool measuring depression symptoms in the previous week. Scoring is based on only the first 17 items. Eight items are scored on a 5-point scale, ranging from 0 = not present to 4 = severe. Nine are scored from 0-2. Total scores are the sum of the 17 item scores and range from 0 (Normal functioning) to 22 (severe depression).

2. Change in Inventory for Depressive Symptoms - Self Report (IDS-SR) Score [3 weeks]

Change in IDS-SR scores from baseline to completion of each ECT treatment compared among 3 treatments - FEAST, FEAST RP, and FEAST RC. IDS-SR is a 30-item self report tool measuring depression symptoms in the previous week. Items are scored from 1 (normal functioning) to 3 (severely impaired) with some items scored on a yes (score of 1) or no (score of zero) basis. Items are summed to calculate the total score, which ranges from 0 (normal functioning) to 84 (severely impaired).



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