Adult Behcet's disease in Iran: analysis of 6075 patients.
This is an analysis of adult Behcet's disease (BD) in Iran, from the Iran Registry of 7187 BD patients, gathered from 1975 to 2014, among which 6075 were adults (84.5%).
Patients were seen by a multidisciplinary team of experts. The diagnosis was by expert opinion, not by any specific classification/diagnosis criteria. However, 96.8% of them were classified by the International Criteria for Behcet's Disease (ICBD). Adult BDs were patients who had their first manifestation at the age of 16 or later.
Males constituted 56% (male/female ratio 1.3/1). The mean age at onset was 28.3 ± 8.7, mean duration 10.8 ± 8.2, and mean follow-up 5.0 ± 6.3. Oral aphthosis was seen in 97.5%, genital aphthosis 65.7%, skin manifestations 64.6% (pseudofolliculitis 53.2%, erythema nodosum 23.9%), ocular manifestations 58.1% (anterior uveitis 41.1%, posterior uveitis 45%, retinal vasculitis 33.6%, cataract 24.4%), joint manifestations 39.4% (arthralgia 18.9%, monoarthritis 9.1%, oligoarthritis 17.8%, ankyloing spondylitis 2%), gastrointestinal manifestations 7% (gastroduodenitis 2.3%, peptic ulcer 1.2%, diarrhea 2.1%, rectorrhagia 1.0%, abdominal pain-nausea 1.8%), neurological manifestations 10.6% (central 3.7%, peripheral 0.3%, headache 7.6%), vessel involvement (large vessel 1.7% with large vein thrombosis 1.1% and arterial involvement 0.7%, phlebitis 6.6%, superficial phlebitis 2.3%), epididymitis 4.6%, pulmonary manifestations 1% and cardiac manifestations 0.6%. Positive pathergy test was seen in 52.3%, human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B5 in 54%, HLA-B51 in 48.9%, and high erythrocyte sedimentation rate in 52.8% of patients. By International Study Group (ISG) criteria 77.9% were classified, compared to ICBD revised criteria with 96.9%. The specificity of ISG was 99.2% and ICBD 97.2%.
Results are near the nationwide surveys from Japan, China, Korea and Germany.