Prenatal diagnosis of fetal malformations by ultrafast magnetic resonance imaging.
Prenatal ultrasonography is the primary imaging modality in pregnancy as it allows direct real-time fetal examination. Antenatal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has so far been of limited clinical value owing to poor image quality. This was due to the long acquisition times that were needed to achieve a high enough spatial resolution for assessment of the small fetal anatomic structures resulting in severe motion artefacts. This problem has now been overcome by recent technical improvements. We present a case of fetal malformation (MURCS association), where an ultrafast T2-weighted RARE sequence (single shot fast spin echo sequence) provided images of excellent quality, which led to the correct antenatal diagnosis. MRI using this sequence can now be used for prenatal diagnosis and is thus likely to become an important adjunct to ultrasonography, especially in cases in which ultrasound findings are unclear of sonographic images are impaired by maternal obesity or oligohydramnios.