3 結果
Indigofera mysorens is a shrub used for its antidiabetic activity in rural India. Here, we elucidate the antidiabetic potential of Indigofera mysorensis extract. Ethanolic extract of the whole shrub of Indigofera (EEI) at 300 mg/kg for 10 days, produced a 63% reduction in plasma glucose, 41%
Indigofera tinctoria is a perennial shrub, which belongs to the family Papilionaceae. As a part of our drug discovery program we have investigated the antidyslipidemic activity of the alcoholic extract from Indigofera tinctoria as well as its three other components, that is, chloroform, butanol and
Flavonoids appear to play a major role in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases by decreasing the blood lipid levels. In continuation of our drug discovery program on antidyslipidemic agents we have isolated three furano-flavones 1-3 and a rare flavonol glycoside 4 from the aerial parts of