Haitian Creole


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Canine Butterfly Glioblastomas: A Neuroradiological Review.

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In humans, high-grade gliomas may infiltrate across the corpus callosum resulting in bihemispheric lesions that may have symmetrical, winged-like appearances. This particular tumor manifestation has been coined a "butterfly" glioma (BG). While canine and human gliomas share many neuroradiological

Cervical butterfly-block vertebra. A case report.

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A new type of block vertebral malformation is described. A 42-year-old woman presented after an akinetic seizure. Routine cervical spine films, obtained because of a recent history of abnormal head posture, disclosed a vertebral anomaly. Computed tomography and conventional polytomography revealed

Reactive gliosis simulating butterfly glioma: a neuroradiological case study.

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Reactive gliosis was found in a 40-year-old man who presented with intractable seizures thought to be due to a malignant neoplasm. Although two separate lesions located bilaterally in the frontal lobes were evident on the computed tomographic scan, a connection between these lesions along the fibers

Implication of gamma band in soman-induced seizures.

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Soman, an anticholinesterasic neurotoxic drug, induces epileptic seizures during severe intoxication. Their trigger conditions still remain unknown and a great variability between animals is observed. The butterfly model in the catastrophe theory has been used to explain these triggering conditions.

Autism and mental retardation with convulsion in tuberous sclerosis: a case report.

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A 6-year-old male child born of a non-consanguineous marriage admitted in the pediatrics emergency ward with the history of recurrent attacks of convulsion since 4 month of age. He was also suffering from frequent vomiting. Examination revealed that the child had characteristics features of

Slow moving neural source in the epileptic hippocampus can mimic progression of human seizures.

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Fast and slow neural waves have been observed to propagate in the human brain during seizures. Yet the nature of these waves is difficult to study in a surgical setting. Here, we report an observation of two different traveling waves propagating in the in-vitro epileptic hippocampus at speeds

Prolonged sensory or visceral symptoms: an under-diagnosed form of non-convulsive focal (simple partial) status epilepticus.

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Four patients had prolonged, sensory, simple partial seizures (SPS), lasting up to several days, without associated behavioural impairment. In three patients, the SPS often occurred as a prolonged "aura" before a more overt seizure. Descriptions included: "butterflies", rising epigastric sensation;

Diencephalic-mesencephalic junction dysplasia: a novel recessive brain malformation.

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We describe six cases from three unrelated consanguineous Egyptian families with a novel characteristic brain malformation at the level of the diencephalic-mesencephalic junction. Brain magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a dysplasia of the diencephalic-mesencephalic junction with a

The prevalence and clinical associations of the lupus anticoagulant in systemic lupus erythematosus.

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To determine the prevalence and clinical associations of the lupus anticoagulant (LAC) in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), we studied 74 patients with SLE, 6 with lupus-like disease and a heterogeneous group of 45 patients with various autoimmune diseases. LAC was demonstrated in 19

The lupus patient with positive rheumatoid factor.

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Background Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) may form clusters with clinical manifestations and autoantibodies. Objective The objective of this report is to study whether SLE patients with positive rheumatoid factor (RF) have a special clinical and/or serological profile. Methods A

Unusual Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of a Glioblastoma Arising During Treatment with Lenvatinib for Thyroid Cancer.

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BACKGROUND Glioblastoma (GBM) is a lesion radiologically characterized by magnetic resonance imaging findings, such as ring enhancement with extensive perifocal edema and a butterfly appearance extending into the bilateral lobes. However, these characteristic findings could be changed by

A Case of Tuberous Sclerosis Without Multiorgan Involvement.

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Tuberous sclerosis or Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a relatively rare autosomal dominant and progressive neurocutaneous disorder involves multiple organs mainly brain, heart, kidney, lung, liver, skin and eye. The diagnosis is typically made clinically. Here, we are reporting a case of TSC

C2 deficiency. Development of lupus erythematosus.

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The study of serum from a patient with C2 deficiency is described. The patient had an episode of pneumococcal meningitis at 5 mo of age with seizures and transient hemiparesis and apparent purpuric skin lesions. He was first admitted to the University of Minnesota Hospitals at 10 yr of age following
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) has been reported among patients with RASopathy. Five patients have been reported: three with SHOC2 variants, one with a PTPN11 variant, and one with a KRAS variant. SHOC2 variant might represent a relatively common predisposing factor for SLE among the RASopathy

Insecticidal activity of glufosinate through glutamine depletion in a caterpillar.

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The herbicide glufosinate-ammonium (GLA) is a competitive inhibitor of glutamine synthetase (GS), an enzyme converting glutamate to glutamine in both plants and animals. Because GS is essential for ammonia detoxification in plants, GLA treatment disrupts photorespiration by causing a build-up of
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