Haitian Creole


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Observation of amplified reflection through degenerate fourwave mixing at CO(2) laser wavelengths in germanium.

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We report the first known observation of amplified reflection through degenerate four-wave mixing at 10.6 microm. Reflectivities of over 100% are reported in both n-type and p-type germanium at pump intensities of about 100 MW/cm(2). The maximum reflectivity reported is 800% in p-type Ge.

Hazard assessment of germanium supplements.

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Germanium-containing dietary supplements became popular in the 1970s in Japan and later in other countries, as elixirs for certain diseases (e.g., cancer and AIDS). Germanium is not an essential element. Its acute toxicity is low. However, at least 31 reported human cases linked prolonged intake of

Structure, strain, and degenerate rearrangement of tricyclo[ 1,3]pentasilane and related molecules.

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We theoretically investigate a highly strained tricyclic silane (tricyclo[ 1,3]pentasilane (4b), an isomer of pentasila[1.1.1]propellane (3b)) composed of three fused three-membered rings. The central ring is distorted. One of the fusion bonds in the central ring is shorter than the normal

Germanium intoxication with sensory ataxia.

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Sensory ataxia in inorganic germanium intoxication is rare. A 63-year-old housewife had taken inorganic germanium preparations at a dosage of 36 mg a day for about 6 years (total dose about 80 g). She subsequently developed difficulty in writing and gait disturbance with peripheral neuropathy and

Germanium poisoning: clinical symptoms and renal damage caused by long-term intake of germanium.

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We report five patients who have taken inorganic germanium preparations over a prolonged period. In all cases, the renal function deteriorated with no proteinuria or hematuria. Histological examination of the kidneys showed widespread tubular degeneration and interstitial fibrosis with minor

Renal failure caused by long-term use of a germanium preparation as an elixir.

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Two Japanese women and one Japanese man, who had been taking the same germanium preparation, mainly containing inorganic germanium, as an elixir for health almost every day at 90 mg of germanium per day for 6 to 20 months, suffered from chronic renal failure. Histological examination of the kidney

The theoretical direct-band-gap optical gain of Germanium nanowires.

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We calculate the electronic structures of Germanium nanowires by taking the effective-mass theory. The electron and hole states at the Γ-valley are studied via the eight-band k.p theory. For the [111] L-valley, we expand the envelope wave function using Bessel functions to calculate the energies of

Does germanium interact with radular morphogenesis and biomineralization in the limpet Lottia gigantea?

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Specimens of Lottia gigantea were incubated in germanium enriched seawater [( Ge]/[Si] = 0.2-783) for 1-8 days. The siliceous radulae were examined histologically. No visible changes, degenerations or deformations were found in all 62 experimental radulae, although germanium is known to be a

In situ monitoring of Joule heating effects in germanium nanowires by μ-Raman spectroscopy.

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We explored a noninvasive optical method to determine the Joule heating of individual germanium nanowires. Using confocal μ-Raman spectroscopy, variations in the optical phonon frequency, in detail the downshifting of the first-order Stokes Raman band, are correlated to the temperature increase of

[An autopsy case of chronic germanium intoxication presenting peripheral neuropathy, spinal ataxia, and chronic renal failure].

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We report here an autopsy case of chronic germanium intoxication with major pathological changes in the central and peripheral sensory nervous systems. The patient was a 4-year-old girl who had suffered from gait disturbance and generalized muscle weakness for 22 months. She had been given orally

High-speed recovery of germanium in a convection-aided mode using functional porous hollow-fiber membranes.

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A porous hollow-fiber membrane capable of recovery of germanium from a liquid stream was prepared by radiation-induced graft polymerization of an epoxy-group-containing vinyl monomer, glycidyl methacrylate, and subsequent functionalization with 2,2'-iminodiethanol, di-2-propanolamine,

Multiline phase conjugation at 4 microm in germanium.

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Phase conjugation by degenerate four-wave mixing in the 4-microm region in germanium has been observed for both single-line and multiline radiation. By using single-line output of a DF laser at 3.8 microm, X3 has been measured to be 4 X 10(-1) esu. Phase conjugation of multiline laser output has

Electrodeposited germanium nanowires.

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Germanium (Ge) is a group IV semiconductor with superior electronic properties compared with silicon, such as larger carrier mobilities and smaller effective masses. It is also a candidate anode material for lithium-ion batteries. Here, a simple, one-step method is introduced to electrodeposit dense

Electronic structure of germanium monohydrides Ge(n)H, n = 1-3.

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Quantum chemical calculations were applied to investigate the electronic structure of germanium hydrides, Ge(n)H (n = 1, 2, 3), their cations, and anions. Computations using a multiconfigurational quasi-degenerate perturbation approach (MCQDPT2) based on complete active space wave functions

Germanium-induced nephropathy: report of two cases and review of the literature.

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We report two cases of renal failure following long-term ingestion of germanium dioxide (GeO2) and comment on eight other cases reported in Japan. Ge-induced nephropathy is characterized by insidious onset of renal failure without proteinuria or hematuria after oral intake of Ge-containing compounds
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