Saccharum spontaneum (wild sugarcane, Kans grass, Bengali: কাশ, romanized: kash, Hindi: काँस, romanized: kām̥s, Nepali काँस Odia: କାଶତଣ୍ଡି, romanized: kāśataṇḍi, Assamese: কঁহুৱা, Tamil: நாணல்খাগৰী, romanized: kahuwa, khagori) is a grass native to the Indian Subcontinent. It is a perennial grass, growing up to three meters in height, with spreading rhizomatous roots.In the Terai-Duar savanna and grasslands, a lowland ecoregion at the base of the Himalaya range in Nepal, India, Bangladesh and Bhutan, ...
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