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Screening for Uterine Cavity Abnormalities in Women Scheduled for IVF

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SIS Versus Office Hysteroscopy for Uterine Cavity Evaluation Prior to IVF

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Saline infusion sonography (SIS) and hysteroscopy are commonly employed methods for uterine cavity evaluation. SIS is often performed as a screening tool in the office for uterine evaluation since it is straight-forward to perform, well-tolerated has low overhead cost. If uterine pathology is

Comparing Sentinel Lymph Node (SLN) Biopsy With Standard Neck Dissection for Patients With Early-Stage Oral Cavity Cancer

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PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: I. To determine if patient-reported neck and shoulder function and related quality of life (QOL) at 6 months after surgery using the Neck Dissection Impairment Index (NDII) is superior with sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy compared to elective neck dissection (END) for treatment

Assessment of Visual Function in Ophthalmic Disorders Using Virtual Visual Field Analysis

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1. Study Style: Prospective, Controlled Clinical Trial 2. Objectives: 1. To determine the capacity for a portable head-mounted virtual visual field-testing device, with capacity for remote testing, to accurately analyze visual function in various retina, neuro-ophthalmic and glaucoma disorders. 2.

Patient's Experience and Choice Between Investigations for Endometrial Cancer in Postmenopausal Bleeding

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Endometrial cancer is the most common malignancy of the female genital tract in Hong Kong. It is estimated that around 10% of women experience postmenopausal bleeding. Around 90% of women with endometrial cancer initially presented with postmenopausal bleeding (PMB). The aim in the evaluation of PMB

In Vitro Diagnostic Test for DOAC in Urine

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This prospective, open-label, controlled, not randomized Performance Assessment will be conducted as a multicenter Performance Assessment in Germany. The trial investigates the sensitivity and specificity of a POCT for DOAC, i.e., the rate of correct positive, false positive, correct negative and

A Comparison of Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) and Standard White Light Laparoscopy to Detect Endometriosis

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Introduction: Endometriosis is a relatively common chronic gynecological condition that affects approximately 10% of all women of reproductive age. It is a pelvic inflammatory disease that is characterized by the presence of endometrial glands and stroma outside of the uterine cavity. Typical
Methods: Currently, three methods of assessing uterine activity exist. The first, tocodynamometry, is based on mechanical measurement of abdominal wall stiffness by a strain gauge placed externally on the patient's abdomen. This method mainly displays the presence of a contraction, its duration and

Individualized Management for Long Gap Esophageal Atresia

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Patients with diagnosis of LGEA(gap distance>3.5cm) will be accepted to the program. After accepted to our center, the patients will feed by gastrostomy tube to keep nutritional status remain well controlled. Continuous suction in the upper pouch will be applied to avoid aspiration pneumonia. We

Simultaneous Integrated Boost With Volumetric Arc Radiotherapy in Patients With Breast Cancer

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Aim To study the dose to the target and OARs with SIB-IMRT in patients with breast cancer. Objectives: To study 1. Dose distribution, target coverage and dose homogeneity in the diseased breast. 2. Dose to the OARs. 3. Acute toxicities. 4. Cosmetic outcome. Materials and methods Patients: Total 27

Adjuvant HIPEC to Prevent Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases in High-risk Patients

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BACKGROUND Peritoneal surfaces are the second most common site of disease progression for colorectal cancer (CRC), following liver metastases. Historically, prognosis of CRC peritoneal metastases (PM) was only about 6 months with palliative systemic chemotherapy or supportive care. Survival

Endoscopy Assisted Probing Versus Simple Probing in Primary Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction

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Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction is the most common cause of epiphora in infancy that can occur in 5% of newborn infants. It may resolve spontaneously in 95% of patients during the first year of life.(1) After that time surgical intervention is justified. Epiphora after birth is most

Adjuvant HIPEC in High Risk Colon Cancer

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Background: The peritoneum is the second most common site of recurrence in patients with colon cancer. Early detection of peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) by imaging is difficult and adjuvant systemic treatment does not seem to affect peritoneal dissemination in contrast to haematogenous dissemination

Biomarkers in Saliva and Stool

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Many soluble factors found in blood can be detected in saliva and stool. Often levels of these factors are found to correlate between body fluids, though the exact relationship between systemic (blood) and local (saliva and stool) immunity is not well established yet. Saliva- and stool-associated

Mechanical Dilatation of the Cervix at Elective Caesarean Section to Reduce Post-Operative Blood Loss

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Obstetric hemorrhage remains one of the major causes of maternal death in both developed and developing countries. Because of its importance as a leading cause of maternal mortality and morbidity, and because of evidence of substandard care in the majority of fatal cases, obstetric hemorrhage must
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